The Manifestation

Procession et performance participatives

The Manifestation MAU
Grand Théâtre

The Manifestation ist eine Performance von epischem Ausmaß, die mit der Mitwirkung von 150 Personen aus verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen rechnet, welche Luxemburg als Raum, Lebenswelt und Kultur definieren. Über die physischen Räume der Institutionen hinaus bringt The Manifestation die Menschen durch Zeremoniell, Redekunst, Tanz, Musik und Essen zusammen und lädt alle zum Mitmachen ein. The Manifestation wird vor dem Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg beginnen, die Parade führt über die Rote Brücke, dann an der Philharmonie vorbei, bis zum Gelände des Mudam.



19:00 | Opening performance

Pierre Cocq Amann Saxophon

For the opening performance, local community members will gather around a group of ‘demonstrators’ outside the Grand Théâtre, where a reading by the artists, speeches and music will take place.

19:45 | Procession

Lemi Ponifasio and renowned Luxembourg artist and choreographer Elisabeth Schilling will conceive a procession across the bridge. Starting at the Red Bridge towards the Philharmonie, Weaving a Vegetal Web of Care is an immersive performance-promenade, during which participants will carry a delicate thread woven with local flowers and dried herbs.

20:30 | Music, poetry and food

Chorale Sainte Cécile Hostert

Kammerchor PortaVoci e.V.

Œuvres de Beach, Hensel, Jenkins, Mozart, Schumann, Williams et autres

At Place de l’Europe, a convivial event with music, poetry and food will take place featuring two choirs singing in response to readings by residents. All participants and the public will enjoy dishes prepared by a community kitchen.

22:30 | Final performance

Voices International

Carol Salgado Violoncello

Culminating at Mudam, the red bridge project will conclude with a performance by Lemi Ponifasio’s company MAU, alongside members of local communities and various local musical ensembles.

The final performance will act as a symbol of a renewed relationship between communities and their territory and its institutions, taking the form of a ritual – a way for all participants to reclaim the space.

In relation to the performance, a series of photographs, taken throughout the project by students of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers in Luxembourg, will be projected on the walls of the building.


Commande Mudam
Production MAU et Mudam


Événement en extérieur
Procession: du Grand Théâtre au Mudam
Performance: à l’extérieur du Mudam




Eintritt frei



Lemi Ponifasio

conception, direction artistique, mise en scène, chorégraphie, scénographie, son

Chorégraphes du Luxembourg


Hélène Walland

coordination du projet

Elisabeth Schilling, António Mendes, équipe des Publics du Mudam


Communautés du Luxembourg


Helen Todd
