القدس Jerusalem
Jerusalem is the opening production of the third red bridge project, performed by Lemi Ponifasio’s MAU Company. Jerusalem is a utopia caught between ideal and reality, life and death, beauty and malice, freedom and control, love and hatred, eternally suspended under the shadow of divine archetypes that patrol the nature of human life on Earth. Minimalist, ritualistic, Jerusalem is amplified by Māori song poetry and the epic Arabic Concerto Al Quds by the Syrian poet Adonis.
Production MAU
Commande de l’Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts, en coproduction avec l’Academy of the Arts of the World / Cologne et la Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School
Première européenne avec le soutien des Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg et de Creative New Zealand
13.10.2023 19:00 Grand Théâtre
Artist talk: Lemi Ponifasio (EN)
14.10.2023 14:00 Grand Théâtre
MAU Workshop
Exploration of contemporary performance through Māori and Pacific cosmovision led by MAU Company. Open to everyone. (EN)
Lemi Ponifasio
conception, direction artistique, mise en scène, scénographie, sons
Adonis (Ali Ahmad Sa’id Esber)
Helen Todd
MAU Company
moteatea, karakia, whaikorero
Lemi Ponifasio, Adonis