Love to Death
Lemi Ponifasio created Love to Death with MAU Mapuche – the company he founded in Chile in 2013. The work transcends conventional ideas of theatre, dance and activism and raises topics such as the reality of the Mapuche people, the relationship between people and nature, the female being and the balance of power. Two women, Mapuche singer-composer Elisa Avendaño Curaqueo and contemporary flamenco dancer Natalia García-Huidobro, perform a work that reflects both the country’s history and the search for its future.
Coproduction MAU, Teatro a Mil Foundation Santiago de Chile et Festival Grec de Barcelone
02.02.2024 After the performance Grand Théâtre
Artist talk: artistic team (EN)
03.02.2024 14:00 Grand Théâtre
Flamenco Workshop with Natalia García-Huidobro (EN)
Lemi Ponifasio
conception, direction artistique, mise en scène, chorégraphie, musique, sons
Elisa Avendaño Curaqueo
performance, musique, composition
Natalia García-Huidobro
performance, chorégraphie
Helen Todd
Alex Waghorn
régie lumière, photographie
Jean-Paul Mengin
régie son
Martin Montaner
Fernanda Pardo
responsable de production